Subject Leader – PE
Mrs H Buchanan and Mrs T Allen

Physical Education should be an enjoyable experience which is accessible to all learners. The curriculum is delivered in a safe, fun environment where the learners are encouraged to achieve their potential and lead healthy and active lifestyles.


Physical Education takes our School ethos of educating Head, Heart and Hands approach which aims at developing 3 areas for all learners.

  1. Head – students analyse and evaluate their own and others performance identifying strengths and areas for improvement and can make decisions on how to improve in order to achieve their personal best performance and support others in achieving theirs, including appropriate selection and use of tactics, strategies and compositional ideas in a variety of contexts, refining and adapting these ideas in relation to changing circumstances.

  2. Heart – students to work cohesively within a team/group and to develop trust, communication skills and confidence to lead others – including the School games and Gospel values (Heart)

  3. Hands – students to develop their skills and techniques in order to improve their performance, gaining precision, fluency and control of their skills in competitive and non-competitive situations, developing more advanced skills to execute tactics, strategies and perform more complex choreography. Fitness for a healthy lifestyle should is a part of each lesson. 


Participation and Fitness –  students are encouraged to take part in sports and activities outside of school and maintain an active lifestyle.

Key Stage 3


The curriculum is based on developing the 3 areas throughout yr7 – 11 in relation to the assessment journey.

The activities taught are used as vehicles to achieve the levels in each area. 

The following activities make up the students journey in PE – 

Years 7-9

  • Core skills (yr7),

  • Gymnastics, 

  • Dance, 

  • Net games, 

  • Netball, basketball, 

  • Outdoor and adventurous activities (yr9) 

  • Rounders/Cricket 

  • Athletics

  • Tag Rugby


Students are given regular verbal feedback during lessons and in addition peer assessment is widely used in all activities.

Students are assessed throughout their PE journey in the 3 key strands:

Head, Heart, Hands.

Students have an assessment and progress booklet which is completed for each activity covered.   A self-evaluation checklist is completed by students at the start and end of each activity.  Overall progress is recorded by the teacher on the front of the booklet each term.

Key Stage 4
Year 10 and 11

A wide variety of activities are used to teach the 3 areas in yrs 10 and 11 with a focus on leadership. This enables us to encourage our ethos of lifelong participation as students are introduced to new and exciting games and also apply their skills learnt in previous years in greater depth. 

These activities include

  • Bootcamp

  • Aerobics

  • Ultimate Frisbee

  • Table tennis

  • Netball/basketball

  • Boxing

  • Handball

  • Fitness suite

Examination Physical Education

The department offers a qualification in OCR Cambridge National Sport Science

The units that are covered in this qualification are –

  • Reducing the Risk of injuries – mandatory written exam 40%

  • Applying principles of training – mandatory coursework 40%

  • Sports nutrition – optional coursework 20%

Key Stage 5

The department offers a qualification in OCR Cambridge Technical Sport and Physical Activity (which is equivalent to one A’level)

The units which are covered in this qualification are variable depending on the group but the mandatory units are –

  • Body Systems and the Effects of Physical Activity – exam

  • Sports Coaching and Activity Leadership – coursework, including practical

  • Sports Organisation and Development – exam


  • 2 optional units

House Events

All students are encouraged to take part in the wide variety of Inter House events that take place throughout the year, culminating in Sports Day. Participation is key.

House events include – benchball, dance, basketball, badminton, tennis, tug-of-war, rounders, rowing, table tennis and athletics.