Core Mathematics

Core Mathematics
Level 3 Technical Qualification
Exam Board AQA

Entry Requirements:

Enjoyed mathematics and achieved a grade 4 or above.


You can:

Apply to enrol in the Core Maths Level 3 Course


This will mean:

Covers a wide breadth of content, developing your mathematical skills in a wide range of contexts. This in turn enhances your understanding in other A-level subjects.


This course will appeal to any student who:

Wishes develop their quantitative and problem-solving skills. This is valuable preparation for the quantitative skills they will need for many degree courses, particularly subjects such as psychology, geography, business-related courses, sports and social sciences, and natural science courses that do not require AS/A Mathematics.


You will:

Develop your Mathematical argument, language and proof and be able to problem solve within a variety of different interesting mathematical areas such as


Course Modules are:

Paper 1 All Compulsory elements:

  • Analysis of data
  • Maths for personal finance
  • Estimation
  • Critical analysis of given data and models (including spreadsheets and tabular data)


Paper 2 - 3 Optional Elements

  • The normal distribution
  • Probabilities and estimation
  • Correlation and regression
  • Critical path analysis
  • Expectation
  • Cost benefit analysis
  • Graphical methods
  • Rates of change
  • Exponential functions

With this subject you could:

Gain a Qualification that enhances your current A levels, improves your logistical reasoning, meaningful reasoning and provides a platform for Higher Education in Sciences, Maths, Geography, psychology and sports science 

For more information contact:

Mrs H Penman (Head of Maths)