The Local Governing Boards of Notre Dame and St Boniface’s College are pleased to be coming together to work as a joint Board in the interests of the students within both schools.
Jane Bailey
Chair of Governors
Jane joined the Governing Body in March 2016 as an Associate Governor and became a Foundation Governor in September 2016. Having been a student here previously, Jane worked at Notre Dame for 32 years, firstly as a Peripatetic Teacher before taking on a permanent contract with the school and had been Head of Music since 2003 until her retirement in July 2016.
Jane is Lead Governor for Safeguarding, Statutory Grants and Link Governor for Teaching and Learning.
Michael Parle
Link Governor for Sixth Form and Staff Wellbeing
Michael had a career in education, teaching Mathematics and Computing in Liverpool and London, before moving to Plymouth to be Deputy Headteacher at Notre Dame from 1991 to 2003. Following retirement, he took up the role of Foundation Governor and Chair for Meavy C of E Primary School and then The West Dartmoor Federation. Michael became a Foundation Governor of St Boniface College in February 2020 and Chair of the Joint Governing Body in January 2021. He is a parishioner of Holy Cross, Yelverton.
Michael’s interests include walking on Dartmoor and photography.
Michael is the Link Governor for Sixth Form and Staff Wellbeing.
Helen Jones
Lead Governor for Health and Safety
Helen is a former student at Notre Dame and joined the Governing Body in 2019 as a Foundation Governor. Helen spent most of her working life in the Pensions and Investment sector, initially as a technical assistant and subsequently as a Sales Support Manager before retiring from full time employment in 2016.
Helen is married to a retired teacher and is a practising Catholic. She appreciates all types of music and enjoys performing as a solo vocalist or with groups of people. Helen had the pleasure of being part of the Notre Dame choir when they performed ‘Seven Last Words’.
As someone who benefited enormously from being a former student, Helen feels it is important for the school to continue to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn in a place where they feel secure, have a sense of belonging and achieve their full potential whilst promoting Christian attitudes
Helen is the Lead Governor for Health and Safety.
Fr Jon Bielawski
Lead Governor for RE and Catholic Life
Father Jon is the Parish Priest at St Peter’s Catholic Church and has regular involvement with the school, supporting with Chaplancy, Assemblies and Masses and Religious Education.
Father Jon is Lead Governor for RE and Catholic Life
Lesley Keate
Foundation Governor
Lesley was appointed as a Foundation Governor in March 2024. More information to follow
Catherine Money
Foundation Governor
Cathy was appointed as a Foundation Governor in March 2024. More information to follow.
Cecilia Withers
Foundation Governor
Cecilia was appointed as a Foundation Governor in March 2024. More information to follow.
Darren Jeffrey
Co-Opted Governor
Megan Thorne
Staff Governor
Rachael Hudson
Staff Governor
Full Name | Governor Type | Appointing Body | Date of Current Appointment | End of Current Term | Meeting Attendance 2023-24 | Business Interests | Other Governorships |
Mr Michale Antram | Ex-Officio | Plymouth CAST | 01/09/2023 | n/a | n/a | Executive Headteacher | No |
Mr Michael Parle | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 18/03/2024 | 17/03/2028 | 6 of 6 Meetings100% | None | Meavy Parish Hall |
Mrs Jane Bailey | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 30/09/2024 | 29/09/2028 | 6 of 6 Meetings100% | None | No |
Father Jon Bielawski | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 19/06/2021 | 18/06/2025 | 5 of 6 Meetings83% | None | No |
Mrs Helen Jones | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 16/01/2024 | 15/01/2028 | 5 of 6 Meetings83% | None | No |
Miss Megan Thorne | Staff | Staff Body | 10/05/2021 | 09/05/2025 | 4 of 6 Meetings67% | Member of Staff | No |
Mrs Rachael Hudson | Staff | Staff Body | 10/05/2021 | 09/05/2025 | 4 of 6 Meetings67% | Member of Staff | No |
Mr Darren Jeffrey | Co-opted | Governing Board | 29/11/2023 | 28/11/2027 | 5 of 6 Meetings83% | None | No |
Mrs Lesley Keate | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 07/03/2024 | 06/03/2028 | 4 of 6 Meetings67% | None | No |
Mrs Catherine Money | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 07/03/2024 | 06/03/2028 | 3 of 6 Meetings50% | None | No |
Mrs Cecilia Withers | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 18/03/2024 | 17/03/2028 | 2 of 2 meetings100% | None | No |
Full Name | Governor Type | Appointing Body | Date of Current Appointment | Resignation/End of Term Date | Meeting Attendance 2023-24 | Business Interests | Other Governorships |
Mr Nigel Sarsons | Parent | Parent Body | 01/02/2023 | 22/02/2024 | 1 of 3 meetings33% | None | No |
Mrs Frances Kelly | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 13/02/2020 | 07/02/2024 | 2 of 3 Meetings67% | None | No |
Mr Simon Giarchi | Foundation | Catholic Diocese of Plymouth | 10/11/2020 | 07/02/2024 | 2 of 3 Meetings67% | Employed by CAFOD | No |
Mrs Jill Jones | Co-opted | Local Governing Board | 19/05/2021 | 30/10/2023 | 0 of 1 Meetings0% | None | No |
Meeting Dates for 2024/25
Wednesday 9th October 2024
Wednesday 27th November 2024
Wednesday 5th February 2025
Wednesday 26th March 2025
Wednesday 21st May 2025
Wednesday 2nd July 2025
Plymouth CAST Board Information
Notre Dame is part of the Plymouth CAST Multi Academy Trust. Information about the Trust can be seen through the link below.
All CAST wide policies can be found here
We welcome interest in joining the Board of Governors at Notre Dame and St Boniface at anytime. If you would like further information on the roles and responsibilities and how to become a Governor please contact the Clerk to Governors.
Should you wish to contact the Governors please do so through the Clerk, Sharon Lambie, by email at or by letter to the school address.
To contact the Chair of Governors please address your correspondence to Mrs J bailey, c/o Notre Dame School, Looseleigh Lane, Derriford, Plymouth, PL6 5HN or send your email via the Clerk,
Please be aware the Clerk to Governors is a part time role so all correspondence will be acknowledged within 7 days (term time only).